Kick-off seminar and Technical Visits University of Seville

The INCHIPE opening ceremony took place in the first week of March and was organized by the project’s coordinator, the University of Seville. Representatives of all consortium partners attended this opening event and had the opportunity to meet each other and present the main contents of the WPs led by them.

Following the first meeting, and as set out in the working plan, the partners started a round of technical visits to the European partner universities. The first university to be visited was the host University, where meetings were held with the head of the departments of Agreements, International Projects, Study Abroad, Financial Management and International Mobility, giving the guests a comprehensive idea of the functioning of each department.

From Seville, partners of non-European universities will head for Austria and Portugal in order to complete the rest of technical visits.

DATE: from 7 March to 9 March 2016

PLACE: University of Seville (Spain)


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