


The objective of the present WP is to provide institutions from Third Countries (TC) with solid strategic knowledge for the development and implementation of consistent internationalisation policies at institutional level.

The main outcome of this WP will be the definition, review and approval of Strategic Plans for Internationalisation (SPI) in the 4 Higher Education Institutions that belong to the Non-European Countries involved, considering the needs of their local contexts, the exploitation potentials and their objectives, and the definition of success indicators and corrective actions.

The definition of SPI will be implemented through a standard procedure that will be put into practice in each of the Non-European partner university involved. It will include the introduction of strategic processes and actions carried out by European partners, detailed descriptions regarding the development process and its methodologies and coaching led by European experts throughout the drafting of the SPI.

The main target group of this WP is represented by the policy makers of the universities involved, as well as the staff responsible for the management of the International Relations Offices (IRO). The definition of SPI in its turn, will be a collaborative process with special focus on the involvement of the university community (including students, faculty members and administrative staff) by means of well- structured feedbacks.




The purpose of the WP is to provide staff working in the International Relations Offices (IROs) at the Non-European Countries with the managerial skills and specific capacities in thematic areas related to the efficient management of IROs and the development of international relations services and policies.

Each of the 4 training modules will be carefully designed, taking into account the needs of Latin-American countries and the expertise and knowledge of European partners, as well as the cultural dimension. The training modules will be conceived in a way so as to allow participants in the different institutions to replicate them. The training period was split into several phases throughout the first year and will finish with a practical training. After completion of the theoretical trainings, participants will undertake a short practical mission in Europe to test the knowledge acquired under a real-life context.

The WP will finish with the development of a Guidebook on the Organisation and Management of IR Structures. This material will take the form of a collection of Good Practices and will be further disseminated in the different workshops and conferences at national foreseen in each Latin-American country, thus maximising the impact of the project.




The purpose of the present WP, coordinated by UCP, is to examine the internationalisation of TLR and to highlight the benefits emerging from the opening of universities towards international experiences. The core of activities foreseen will take place during year 2, once WP2 Human Capacity Building activities are completed. In order to bring a more positive and practical approach to this WP, a pilot training is foreseen, as well as coaching actions carried out by European partners, which will be developed during year 2 and 3 of the project.

Our experience shows that comparative studies and seminars represent a perfect approach for European partners to share experiences on the positive outcomes of internationalisation within their institutions regarding the abovementioned fields of study- this will lead to the identification of Best Practices and to the future drafting of National Recommendations. European experts from universities participating in the Consortium will travel to Latin-American countries to boost a constructive exchange of impressions. This activity will involve students and student representatives from Latin-American universities, as well as potential third parties. Likewise, students from universities in Latin-America will also travel to European partner countries in order to participate in practical visits.

Local coordinators and partners from non-European university will host other potential universities interested in the project outcomes. Two types of seminars will be held in each country: one on how to reach teaching and research standards through internationalisation, and one on how to foster research through internationalisation.

Final outcomes will come into being with the drafting of a Best Practice Guidebook (basic knowledge of possible achievements) and the design of National Recommendations (a roadmap of requirements at a national level). The latter will be carried out in a way so as to introduce the necessary changes in the Higher Education System in non-European countries.




This WP contemplates an infrastructural upgrading of International Relations Offices with the necessary equipment and the implementation of an Online Library Gateway. The first measure seeks to:

  • provide the means for a daily effective management and administration of the International Relations Department in each Latin-American university;
  • provide equipments for the international communication and develop a website; facilitate the efficient communication among the Consortium and future members of the network.

In an attempt to guarantee a timely availability of the equipments and their use for project purposes, they will be purchased and set up as early as possible. IT experts from US will assist Latin-American universities during video-conference equipment setup for troubleshooting.

The design of an Online Library Gateway is a highly cost-efficient solution as it grants free access to research sources and national and international databases. It brings together the development of a website and an online service. Currently, we can see a similar model in US (ES), implemented not only by International Relations staff, but also by researchers, faculty members, and students undertaking researches or seeking the establishment of international contacts.




The creation of a network for the internationalisation of institutions is one of the main purposes of the present proposal- it will serve as platform promoting the multiregional and international dialogue on the internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions, providing opportunities for synergies generation within national education policies and strengthening links and opportunities for cooperation among all members.

The establishment of the network will begin alongside with the start of the project, through the general definition of its nature and membership policy. Likewise, the establishment of a permanent Secretariat is foreseen. As the creation and opportunities for the network development will run throughout the whole project execution, the third year will come to an end with the official approval of its structure, membership policy and strategies for fund-raising.

This WP contemplates the implementation of network activities through three International Conferences:

  1. 1. International Conference in Concepción (CL): International Policies and Strategies in Higher Education Institutions (M3Y2); that will provide the opportunity to introduce project objectives and its to-date achievements to a broad scope. It will also offer a perfect scenario for the international discussion on international policies and strategies.
  2. 2. Conference on Internationalisation in Viña del Mar (CL): Teaching/ Learning/ Research (M2Y3) as an opportunity to foster the debate on comparative outcomes of internationalisation potentials and to disseminate the Guidebook on Best Practices and National Recommendations (NR) for the internationalisation of Teaching/ Learning/ Research.
  3. 3. Final Networking Conference in Lima (PE). The final conference will serve as platform for the presentation of the network and project achievements, it will promote the debate regarding future network actions and will welcome the signature of the official Memorandum among partner countries concerning long-term maintenance of the network.
  4. 4. Staff members from each partner institution will attend the Final Steering Committee meeting and to the network meeting that will include a similar experience to the Multi-regional Educational Fair.




In order to guarantee the multiplier effect and to disseminate project results at an institutional, national and international level, dissemination activities are part of project execution and will be deployed from the very beginning.

The project foresees a wide range of internal dissemination strategies (to be promoted from within the institutions involved) and external (both at a national and international level). Special focus has been placed on the dissemination actions to be carried out by Latin-American countries, so as to guarantee that the project impact extends beyond the institutions directly involved.

In accordance with what is mentioned above and taking into consideration the special nature of the project, a high percentage of the activities has been integrated into the Development and Sustainability Work Packages (e.g. the activities and network conferences as well as some of the national roundtables are contemplated under the Exploitation Work Package).

Additionally, the project foresees:

  • Development and implementation of a wide range of marketing materials and an awareness-raising strategy;
  • Online dissemination (project website, newsletters, download area of project products);
  • Internal and institutional workshops to promote the services offered by the International Relations Offices, to ensure the institutional support, to disseminate the information about the project and to disseminate the knowledge acquired throughout the training activities among the university community;
  • Organisation of a Multi-regional Educational Fair (in Lima, Peru).




WP7 is devoted to the implementation of support and maintenance-assuring actions regarding project results. Whereas various supporting and sustainability actions have been contemplated under the Dissemination and Development WPs- development, consultation and review of Strategic Plans for Internationalisation, WP1; development of working groups and development of National Recommendations, WP3; network activities and further disseminations activities WP5 and 6- additional Sustainability and Exploitation activities are foreseen under the current WP:

  • Roundtables and awareness-raising events in non-European countries in order to foster sensitisation, to disseminate the results of the project, and promote project impact at national level. In contrast to the International Network Conferences, these events will target the national academic communities and will serve as measure to promote public support and debate and to encourage the involvement of other universities as well as third parties in project activities;
  • Final adoption of Strategic Plans for Internationalisation (SPI) in each institution- as a measure required for the institutional implementation of the developed strategies;
  • Official approval of the structures for international relations developed, guaranteeing the long-term maintenance of the abovementioned structures and their institutional integration in the universities of third countries;
  • Signature of the long-term maintenance, functioning, funding and membership to the network.
  • Development and signature of collaboration agreements among partner universities in order to guarantee the maintenance of the project partnership, to provide a launch pad for future collaboration and exchanges born during the project and to support the development of international cooperation.




Quality control will be an essential part of the project, so as to guarantee that objectives are timely met. These quality control strategies include:

  • Internal Evaluation of project results: a Quality Control Committee will be established and composed by senior representatives of CL and PE universities and European partners (one member per partner, with the exception of the leader, US). The internal evaluation will be monitored by INCOMA, experts in quality assurance and project evaluation, namely those related to mobility and internationalisation. The Quality Control Committee will be the main strategic actor for internal quality control and monitoring, and it will periodically manage and approve the quality of project results against the established qualitative and quantitative progress indicators. On the basis of the above, a Quality Control Plan will be designed at the beginning of the project, with the results and a more specific contingency plan. The Quality Control Committee will assess project results taking upon completion. Such Committee will meet at least 3 times a year (work will be mainly carried out via email). In case the project resultsdo not reach the expected quality in a timely manner, the Quality Control Committee will immediately decide on the adjustments and measures to take and will organiz an extraordinary face-to-face meeting;
  • Feedback on the quality of delivered training and services, through direct questionnaires and surveys to participants;
  • Integral internal evaluation of the project that will be carried out by INCOMA (ES) and that will assign a technician for data drawing, results analysis and project process assessment, apart from the person leading the Quality Control Committee. A mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation will be implemented. Additionally, two onsite observations will be done during project execution, with the purpose of assessing the progress of INCHIPE, monitoring possible deviations and suggesting necessary adjustments.




The purpose of the Work Package is to guarantee a smooth strategic and operational implementation of the project, through the implementation of the following measures:

The strategic supervision of the project and related decisions will be monitored by the Steering Committee, composed of International Relations Office’s representatives from non-European universities and European partners’ representatives. The Committee will be led by US (ES), which in its turn, will be responsible for the strategic coordination of the project and for the adoption of successful decisions in terms of: project implementation, partial reviews (mid- term), adoption of recommendations and assessments proposed by the Quality Control Committee coordinated by INCOMA, forward planning and adjustments.

Decisions will be taken by simple majority. In case of disagreement, the coordinator will propose a democratic solution upon EACEA´s suggestions and seeking advice from educational organisations if needed.

At an operational management level, each partner will appoint a project manager. Additionally, and in order to ensure the correct implementation of the project in Latin-American countries, “local project coordinators” will be appointed in each non-European country. The coordinator (US) will be responsible for the administrative management, which will encompass coordination of reports, budget implementation and coordination with the EACEA. On a regular basis, the Consortium will submit reports on the implementation of activities to the coordinator.

Furthermore, so as to facilitate the efficient communication among partners, the project website will include an intranet with additional features such as reminders of deadlines set. Specific planning and control techniques (already implemented in previous projects) will also be put in motion, making use of a weekly, monthly and 6-month planning.

In the same way, in addition to the Steering Committee meeting (1 online, 3 face-to-face), online coordination meetings will be regularly held (every 2-3 months). In an attempt to maximise cost efficiency, the Steering Committee meetings will be held alongside with other project activities (conferences, events).


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